katni. Registration of vehicles of BS-6 model has been ensured in entire India from April 1, 2020 as per the directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court. After 31 March 2020, registration of BS-4 model vehicles has been banned. In this regard, Additional Regional Transport Officer ND Mishra informed all vehicle buyers and dealers of vehicles that they should submit the applications for vehicles which have not been registered before the due date. Buyers of vehicles, whose registration has not been done till date, have also been asked to submit valid documents and applications for registration with the vehicle. If any hue or difficulty is being caused by the dealer in this work, the buyer can file a complaint against the dealer in the Additional Regional Transport Office along with proof of purchase of the vehicle before the due date. Unregistered vehicles will not be registered as the process is not completed within the stipulated time. On the other hand, the vehicles for which the applications for registration have been submitted in the office, but the incomplete or valid papers have not been attached or the vehicles have not been submitted for verification, they are also required to fulfill the applications before the due date and vehicles. Instructions have been given to ensure verification. In case of incomplete application or if the vehicle is not submitted for verification after 31 March, such vehicles will be deemed to be denied registration by the authority. For the convenience of vehicle buyers and their problems will be resolved by the office by March 31, 2020, related cases will be resolved.