

Legal Literacy Camp cum Jail Lok Adalat organized in District Jail Katni

Katni - On the instructions of Madhya Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, under the guidance of District and Sessions Judge / President, District Legal Services Authority, Katni Achal Kumar Paliwal, Legal Literacy Camp cum Jail Lok Adalat was organized in District Jail Katni on 29 February Saturday. Jail Lok Adalat has 17 cases of captive consent of the prisoners under consideration. On this occasion, Judicial Magistrate Vijaya Bharati Yadav discussed with the prisoners on the ongoing cases in the court and necessary instructions were given regarding disposal of the cases. District Legal Aid Officer Pradeep Singh, while informing the inmates of the program, said that the undertrials who are not having legal aid are not available, they can avail this facility without any financial basis. Also, any detainee can request honorable judge for legal assistance even during production in court. Deputy Superintendent Sujit Khare informed the detainees regarding Plea Bargining. During this time, Jail Superintendent Lina Kostha and District Legal Services Authority related officers, employees and PLVs were also present.

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