

I'm pulling a beautiful building!

Before showing the form and function or work of a building, garment or other object, its plan or drawing is prepared,

 Many of us associate design with its second definition. But I have a different view. I instead follow Steve Jobs' belief that "design is not just about what it looks like or feels like." Design is how it works". So to take an example of airplane design; We wonder what it looks like, but the fact is that it is designed in such a way as to make it fly. The entire philosophy of aviation works in that particular way. Obviously you can add aesthetics to the design, but you can't change the original design to make it beautiful. So everything has a design element. From an airplane to language; Everything is designed to work. Tim Brown, CEO and President of IDEO, spoke in his TED that "As our industrial society matured, design became a profession and it focused on the ever-smaller canvas as long as it was for aesthetics, image and fashion Did not stand ”; He explains how design became small because it became a tool for consumerism and we need to design from the design of the object as an influence. We need to bring back the intention to design. We need to bring back design thinking (definition: design-specific cognitive activities that apply during the designer design process)

“As you continue to grow in the world, the world grows in you. Not only do you occupy a certain place, but this place surrounds you… This culture is the way we see the world, its language, which informs your way of thinking, its custom structures make you social . "
Just look around, everything we see is designed by someone. But have we ever thought about how this design is affecting us? The effect that goes beyond the scope of design and sometimes results in changing our behavior. These everyday designs that we interact with each other have a profound impact on us over time in addition to giving an aesthetic experience. Consider the language and how it has affected us. We humans have designed language and now that language is a part of us. Not only as a means to communicate but also to think; In fact, we can no longer think without a language. Similarly culture, it is our creation and we can all understand how it affects us. Culture and language have shaped, molded or designed us to be what we are today. Is not it?
A line from Annie Marie Wills recently found that "we are actively designing what we designed". How can I understand that our thoughts shape our spaces and devices. These spaces and equipment return us the favor by shaping / designing them. As we are actively engaging with our environment with such places and equipment. There is a kind of feedback loop. Talking about language again, we learn language and then language helps us to read and thus mold our personality. Or computers, ever since we designed it, our facility has grown so much that there is also a behavioral change in the way we work and live. We are actively engaged with computers as a tool. And this in turn has affected our lives in so many ways. If computers disappeared the world would stop. It seems to me that artist M.C. Escher indicated from his famous lithograph, drawing his hand by hand. The hand is pulling its own hand, or rather the creation is doing its own creation.
Many times the things we design with positive intent can also have negative consequences. For example, escalators have a great design that adds to our convenience but adds nothing to our health and is actually counterproductive making us lazy at times. We have added so much convenience to our design that we have forgotten to add goodness. Is not it?

In design, intentions are very important. In keeping with the previous example of escalators, they were facilitated and were intended by the designer when designing it. Now it is not to blame anyone for our health issues, but to understand how design is affecting our lives and make us think about the long term impact of any object while designing it There is a need to be vigilant. It is in due course of time that we are now able to understand how design affects us. We should also think how can we make design more aware for the betterment of our mind and body? It can be challenging to build more escalators or prevent existing ones from dropping, but how is it about changing the design of the ladder that it inspires people to choose over escalators? It is not just for people in the design field to think, but we should also know as part of this society what kind of design we engage with. How is it affecting us in our daily lives? How has this changed our behavior? Is it joining our facility but at what cost; At the cost of our well-being? What we design today will decide what we will be in the future. Then why don't we choose!
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